Friday, July 27, 2012

life have been craaaaaaazzzyyyyyyyy.....

it is.
life have been crazy.
at least for me.

i run like a tornado (yes i'm exaggerating)
yet i still can't finish any job.
life have been bad.
car's loan.
car's bad scratches.
car's summons.
work can never end.
i know that.
but at least make it reduce.

not working.

no credits.

I am absolutely extremely stressed out!

oh. btw, it's ramadhan now. welcome ramadhan. i wish life is quieter.

(love? there is none. just ignore all those signal. i hate that)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Life is short

Because memory may fade... what if one day I wake up, and find that everything good has gone. What else there to hold on to.

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... lost, totally lost...

Dear heart,
Where have you been? Where are you heading?

My feet,
I don't know where they are heading.

My mind,
Have been wandering a lot, and don't know where.

My aim,
It seems that it has lost. Again. And again.

My life,
I want it to be good, I want it to be useful.
But I seems to have lost again..

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Monday, April 30, 2012

I hate how this make me feel...

I hate the way you make me feel.
I hate that I have no control on this.
I hate that I'm feeling deeper and deeper in this feeling.
I hate that I don't know what's going to happen..
I really hate this.
I really hate that I can really like him, which I don't want to.
I really hate this.

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Sunday, April 29, 2012


Wow, that's a thick book. It looks heavy. And serious too.

"I think I can like u. That's very difficult. Cause I have decided not too..."

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

trying to catch up with life...

I am trying to catch up with life that have been put on hold for too long.

Doing things that I wanted to do so much.
Trying to catch up on my reading.
Trying to catch up on my exercise.
Trying to keep up with the greenery.
Trying to catch up my breath.
Trying to look up more on the sky and the stars above.

I am trying to finish up my job, even though I know it's impossible.
(but at least I try)
I try to look at some advertisement,
(for house, job, education..)
I am trying to learn some new skill
I am trying to do what I plan to do before, but have no time to do so.
I try to buy the comic, and catch on the cartoons
I try to buy a magazine, and read more.

Life have been put on hold.
I need to do a lot of catch up.
Before I see it passed me by...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

my luggage don't want to go back. it actually want to stay in Hong Kong

Caller: Hello. Ms Chuah Nordiana Busero ke? I'm calling from the airport
Me: ......err... yes..
Caller: You punya luggage dah sampai ni, jadi kita nak arrange hantar pegi mana ye?
Me: dah sampai ye? Bila boleh hantar? Bila boleh sampai? Hantar rumah PJ lah.
Caller: Ok, PJ ke? Baik kami akan hantar tengahari nanti.
Me: A'ah. Bila boleh dapat ye?
Caller: Hari ni, tengahari kita hantar.
Me: Boleh cepat sikit tak? Saya nak keluar nanti. Saya ada barang penting dalam tu!
Caller: Apa barang penting?
Me: err... berus gigi..

hehe.. ok ok aku tipu je part last tuh.
Tapi memang ada banyak barang penting dalam beg luggage aku. Paling penting, kunci rumah! macamana aku nak kuar masuk kalau takde kunci kan?

well, ini cerita betul.
Semalam adalah pengalaman delayed paling stressful yang aku lalui setakat ini.

Flight aku dari Shanghai pukul 12.25 tengahari.  Kami bertolak dari hotel pukul 9.30 pagi (9.40 sbnrnya).
Selepas pung pang pung pang camtu camnih, sampai dah check-in dekat airport shanghai, dan naik flight pukul 12.25 pm.

Dari Shanghai, flight yang sepatutnya bertolak pukul 12.25 delay sampai hampir pukul 4 petang.
Dalam flight duduk in the middle seat, takde makanan apa-apa. tak boleh bergerak. Bila flight akhirnya take off, dia bagi food option pork with rice or chicken with pasta. omg! apa nak pilih nih? mesti la takde apa2 so I was left with no option. Makan je the pasta without the chicken plus the carrot plus the peas. then there's some bread. and some fruit. and some desert.

Sampai Hong Kong kena gegas gegas lari pegi terminal 19 oh my! sebab terminal tu letaknya di hujung donia! penat sungguh berlari lari bila sampai punya la ramai beratur so kitorg duduk dulu. penat lari woooo!
Aku nampak kedai makanan so untuk mengelakkan perkara serupa berlaku, maka aku pun pergi cari sandwich. kedai kopi esp jual kopi harga 20 dan sandwich harga 26... sebab aku tak sempat nak tukar duit hong kong, jadi aku tanya the cashier boleh tak pakai credit card, tapi kan aku dah berjanji dgn diri sendiri untuk kurangkan penggunaan duit future tuh kecuali betul betul penting. lepas tu nampak duit yuan dalam tips, so aku tanya lady cashier tu lagi.
"Can I use Yuan?"
"Can but only in 100 and above, and we only return in HK dollars. is it ok for you?"
kebetulan dalam dompet magis aku cuma ada duit RMB100 x 3 je. jadi aku kata ok.
Beli smoked salmon sandwich dgn air juice sebab dahaga sangat berlari.

Dalam flight yang akhirnya kami berjaya naiki tuh, kena duduk in the middle between aisle seat and window seat. huhu... menyesal pulak tak ambik offer chuah utk duduk kat window seat.
Dalam flight, captain kata flight akan delayed lagi sebab busy air traffic. yelah, sebab bnyk sangat delayed semua kena tunggu semua org lain, dan bila nak fly dah congested la jadinya.

Akhirnya pukul 7.30pm kitorg berjaya take off meninggalkan bumi hong kong yang aku cuma berjaya pijak airportnya. Hujan masih turun dengan agak lebat. bumpy ride all the way.
Ada sepasang couple mat salleh depan kitorg yg aku tak pasti dr mana atau nak ke mana, tapi dia tanya diorg sempat ke nak sampai KLIA sebelum pkl 10 sbb diorg ada another flight to catch at 10.30pm at KLIA. pity pity. mesti la tak sempat punya.

Ok, to cut short the story at the momment, kitorg sampai KL dalam pukul 11.00pm dan aku terus je keluar tak sempat pun nak cakap bye bye kat Chuah sebab dia dok tepi sekali susah nak kuar aku kena kuar bagi org jalan dulu baru dia  oleh bangun amik beg.
Sampai KLIA, aku baru tau beg aku tak naik flight dari Hong Kong dan akan naik the next flight. marah betul! Then bateri handphone abis, handphone satu lagi dalam luggage dan aku baru ingat kunci rumah juga dalam luggage! oh no! macamana... kena sambung bahagian lain pulak...